Security oriented blog

SLAE Assignment #5 | Shellcode analysis of 3 msf payloads

An analysis of three shellcodes inner workings from the metasploit framework.

SLAE Assignment #7 | Creating a basic crypter for shellcode encryption

This post is about the crypter assignment in the SLAE exam.

SLAE | Analysing a fake OpenSSH 5.3 0day

Searching for 0days on is always interesting. Specially this OpenSSH 5.3 remote root 0day exploit.

SLAE Assignment #4 | Shellcode encoder

This post is about writing an encoder in Python for x86 assembly and a decoder in x86 NASM.

SLAE | Setting up the environment

I’m studying for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert and the environment required some tinkering with scripts etcetera so here comes a couple of them good to have and will be used in future posts involving the certification.

CSAW | Precision writeup

Fun easy buffer exploitation challenge. The address of the buffer is leaked and an overwritable variable must contain a specified floating point number. Scanf has some bad chars so I used msfencode to convert it to an alphanumeric shellcode.

CSAW | Hacking Time writeup

This is a writeup of the Hacking Time reverse engineering challenge from this years CSAW ctf.

Analyzing a crypter made in AutoIt | Part1

This is a late follow up post on SpyNet - a malware made with AutoIt which only had an initial analysis of a malware that contained an embedded AutoIt interpreter with an obfuscated script that didn’t make sense.