Security oriented blog
28 Mar 2016
An analysis of three shellcodes inner workings from the metasploit framework.
04 Dec 2015
This post is about the crypter assignment in the SLAE exam.
25 Oct 2015
Searching for 0days on is always interesting. Specially this OpenSSH 5.3 remote root 0day exploit.
24 Oct 2015
This post is about writing an encoder in Python for x86 assembly and a decoder in x86 NASM.
23 Oct 2015
I’m studying for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert and the environment required some tinkering with scripts etcetera so here comes a couple of them good to have and will be used in future posts involving the certification.
21 Oct 2015
Fun easy buffer exploitation challenge. The address of the buffer is leaked and an overwritable variable must contain a specified floating point number. Scanf has some bad chars so I used msfencode to convert it to an alphanumeric shellcode.
25 Sep 2015
This is a writeup of the Hacking Time reverse engineering challenge from this years CSAW ctf.
28 Aug 2015
This is a late follow up post on SpyNet - a malware made with AutoIt which only had an initial analysis of a malware that contained an embedded AutoIt interpreter with an obfuscated script that didn’t make sense.