Almost at the start of Pony version 1.9 an import function is called to load specific functions from dll’s and store them in an array.
The first argument, dllStringArray, is a pointer to an array of the following style: [“wanted.dll”, “wantedFunction1”, “wantedFunction2”, “…”] The second argument, writePointersToArr, is the address where the function pointers will be written to, linearly after each other.
Here is the large call section to the routine:
Analysing calls to the imported functions later on will be tricky as BinaryNinja names the pointers as follows:
So a script that renames them to their actual function name is needed:
from binaryninja import *
from collections import deque
def renameVarToFuncNames(bv, latestInstr):
destArrayPush = latestInstr[0] #Adress base that will be used to store loaded functions addresses
dllStringArrayPush = latestInstr[1] #Base address for: dll to load and imported function names. Separated with 0 until end which is 00.
#Read the name of the dll with named functions
baseAdr = dllStringArrayPush.src.value.value
cnt = 0
result = []
while ord(, 1)) != 0:
entry = ""
while True:
c =, 1)
cnt += 1
if ord(c) == 0:
moduleName = result[0]
result = result[1:]
print "Found loading of dll named %s with the following function imports: " \
% moduleName + ",".join(result)
print "Proceding to add imported function symbols for them"
pointerArray = destArrayPush.src.value.value
t = bv.parse_type_string("int *")
n = 0
while n < len(result):
print "Adding symbol at 0x%x named %s.%s" % (pointerArray+n*4, moduleName,result[n])
bv.define_data_var(pointerArray+n*4, t[0])
bv.define_auto_symbol(Symbol(SymbolType.ImportedFunctionSymbol, \
pointerArray+n*4, moduleName + "." + result[n]));
n += 1
def go(bv,function):
latestInstr = deque([])
for block in function.low_level_il:
for il in block:
if len(latestInstr)==3:
if il.operation == enums.LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_CALL_STACK_ADJUST:
renameVarToFuncNames(bv, latestInstr)
PluginCommand.register_for_function("Name import functions", "Name import functions", go)
And the function pointer names now looks as: