Security oriented blog

Naming function pointers with BinaryNinja

19 Oct 2017

Almost at the start of Pony version 1.9 an import function is called to load specific functions from dll’s and store them in an array.

The first argument, dllStringArray, is a pointer to an array of the following style: [“wanted.dll”, “wantedFunction1”, “wantedFunction2”, “…”] The second argument, writePointersToArr, is the address where the function pointers will be written to, linearly after each other.

Here is the large call section to the routine:

Analysing calls to the imported functions later on will be tricky as BinaryNinja names the pointers as follows:

So a script that renames them to their actual function name is needed:

from binaryninja import *
from collections import deque

def renameVarToFuncNames(bv, latestInstr):
  destArrayPush = latestInstr[0] #Adress base that will be used to store loaded functions addresses
  dllStringArrayPush = latestInstr[1] #Base address for: dll to load and imported function names. Separated with 0 until end which is 00.

  #Read the name of the dll with named functions
  baseAdr = dllStringArrayPush.src.value.value
  cnt = 0
  result = []
  while ord(, 1)) != 0:
    entry = ""
    while True:
      c =, 1)
      cnt += 1
      if ord(c) == 0:

  moduleName = result[0]
  result = result[1:]

  print "Found loading of dll named %s with the following function imports: " \
    % moduleName + ",".join(result)
  print "Proceding to add imported function symbols for them"

  pointerArray = destArrayPush.src.value.value
  t = bv.parse_type_string("int *")

  n = 0
  while n < len(result):
    print "Adding symbol at 0x%x named %s.%s" % (pointerArray+n*4, moduleName,result[n])
    bv.define_data_var(pointerArray+n*4, t[0])
    bv.define_auto_symbol(Symbol(SymbolType.ImportedFunctionSymbol, \
      pointerArray+n*4, moduleName + "." + result[n]));
    n += 1

def go(bv,function):
  latestInstr = deque([])

  for block in function.low_level_il:
    for il in block:
      if len(latestInstr)==3:

      if il.operation == enums.LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_CALL_STACK_ADJUST:
        renameVarToFuncNames(bv, latestInstr)


PluginCommand.register_for_function("Name import functions", "Name import functions", go)

And the function pointer names now looks as:

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