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Countdown to Zero Day | Book review

02 May 2015

A short informative review.

##Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon Top cybersecurity journalist Kim Zetter tells the story behind the virus that sabotaged Iran’s nuclear efforts and shows how its existence has ushered in a new age of warfare—one in which a digital attack can have the same destructive capability as a megaton bomb. </br>Book written by Kim Zetter Amazon link

The author are gifted with writing and have presented the technichal aspects of the subject with ease making it an enjoyable book from the security geek till the not so advanced knowing it guy.

You will realise by reading it how much research that have been put into it and there are no gaps leaving you wondering. That above combined with the authors objective tone on the countries involved is highly appealing.

In compare I’ve tried reading @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex where the author have a 100% USA perspective and everything is about politics combined with a not as good gift for the pen.

I’ll recommend this book strongly to anyone interested in cyberwarfare and are more interested in computers than pure politics!

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